Wednesday 11 May 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout constructing both the opening credits product and the preliminary project I believe I have both developed and learnt a lot of skills about technologies through this process, most specifically through the filming and post production processes. Although, I did do media at school I focused more on the pre-production side so this allowed me to learn more.

The first main piece of technology I learned about was the generic filming equipment (camera, tripod) and used them in both an indoor and outdoor environment. I also learned about several different terminologies to do with camera shots (over the shoulder (OTS), tracking, panning, long shot, close up, low angle and high angle).

I believe I learned a lot more in the preliminary task as I was the only person in the group who was not in front of the camera so I was given the position of director, so I learned a lot about positioning the actors and how a certain shot should look which definitely would help for any future filming projects. However, I did find it much easier and more interesting behind the camera than in front of it which I was in the opening scene.

However, I felt I learnt a lot more about the post-production technologies especially with the editing system. It was also very interesting to see how it all comes together through cutting, adding sound, adding special effects and making sound bridges.

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