Wednesday 11 May 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For our opening credits media product we decided to choose the genre of a light horror fantasy that was based in a realistic world. This was for several reasons but mainly because it meant we could keep things simple for example having the majority of the film in a normal world meant we didn’t have to worry about the design of a location as we could use normal rooms rather than have to dress up the rooms. We also just decided to tweak the ending to give it a fantasy type feel however due to some lost footage we couldn’t quite make the film to the standard we aimed for.

To help look capture a feel for this type of genre I looked at films such as “The Dark Knight” and “Stranger Than Fiction” which were both fantasies set in a realistic environment and I analysed there opening credits/scenes, this was very helpful in allowing me to see how they were filmed and the tone they had. It also helped me to see how a fantasy element was produced in a film based in a real world.

We decided early on that we wanted our film to be kept very simple to not create any problems later on; we also decided we should keep our locations to a minimum of 2. By keeping our film simple we decided to confirm the codes and conventions (“rules”) of the genre rather than decide to challenge them as we thought it would be very time consuming and complicated to think of ways to challenge the genre and its forms.

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